Many facts of blood type O still make people wonder. Because this blood type is indeed different from other blood types namely A, B, and AB. In fact, blood O is sometimes called blood type. Basically, blood type O is actually the same as other blood groups, namely blood consisting of blood cells and blood plasma. Blood cells themselves are divided into three, namely red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and platelets. However, indeed this one blood type has some uniqueness that other blood types do not have. Here are five important facts about blood type O: Fact 1: Universal donor One of the facts of blood type O is as a universal donor. That is, people with blood type O can donate their blood to all blood groups, such as A, B, AB, and O. Meanwhile, people with blood type O can only receive blood transfusions from fellow blood groups O. But this can only be done on just an emergency, because it is now known that blood type O transfusions in other blood ...